Part 81: Dight NPC Chatter 5
Welcome back!

: Everyone's waiting at the beach. C'mon, let's go to the Dragon's Nest!

: It was Justin who helped me decide upon going to the Typhoon Tower. He did everything. I wouldn't even have gone there, if I had to do it alone.

: Huh? I can't believe Gadwin let someone else take his place.

: The rain suddenly stopped! Did you do something to stop it?

: Why, of course! That's what I'd like to say, anyway. But I couldn't have done it alone.

: But you ARE the ones who stopped it? Wow! The Heroes in the Legend are real! They really exist! To be honest... I was hesitant to believe in the Legendary Heroes. Sorry!

: I heard all about it. It's amazing! You came back safe from the Typhoon Tower! Did ya find any treasure there?
Sadly, we can't get any cash for the legendary spear.

: Thank you! Thank you so much! When I heard you were going to the Typhoon Tower, to tell the truth, I only about half believed you could do it. I really thought that Dight would be destroyed. I'm glad I was wrong! You saved the Village of Dight from the rain! Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!

: They're all waiting for you down by the Dragon's Nest. Come on, let's go there.

: Now I understand why you have such bright, heroic eyes! So, it is as Gadwin had predicted. The young but great heroes of Dight!

: Ha ha. Don't lay it on so thick! You're embarrassing us.

: Ha ha! Well, now that you're a Hero of Dight, you shall be called "Our Hero Justin".

: Ha ha ha! Please, don't. Please call me Justin, as always.

: Heh heh. Is that right?

: I heard a sound like thunder, so I got worried. You're safe after all!

: I was praying to the Spirits that whole time. "Protect the brave warriors of Dight"!

: Really!? That's the Spear of Heroes? Wow! It's really like the legend says. All we need is to thrust this spear into the Dragon's Nest on the coast.

: Please come see us when you can. I'll tell you some more old tales of Dight.

: Tomorrow, we can go fishing again!

: Hmm... and does everyone know it's because of what Justin has done?

: Cut it out, I'd say it was really because of what Feena has done.

: Justin....

: What!? What are you talking about!
That's quite the large group. We'll be taking them counterclockwise.

: I had faith in you, Heroes of Dight. I knew you would do what you had to do. Now let's take the Spear of Heroes to the Dragon's Nest!

: Gadwin! The rain, the rain... (sob)!

: Ha ha ha! Men don't let themselves get upset so easily!

: (sob) Oh, that's right! Everyone was saved, eh? Yes, everyone was saved. That's really great! (sob)

: Mister, Gadwin said you should stop crying, didn't he? Right?

: Yes, yes, you're right. Sorry... I'm just so happy. Thank you! Really, thank you so much. (sob)

: We did it! The rain has stopped! I didn't stop it myself, but I hung in there, without giving up. It was just like the legend says! The Spirits will lend a hand to those who never give up. Isn't that right? And now heroes have come to Dight! Brave warriors chosen by the Spirits!

: Thanks to you brave warriors, the Spirits have returned to this village! Even though they're invisible, we know they're here.

: So maybe it was the Spirits that time! That light, after the tower fell....

: We'll always have plenty of fish for you, brave warriors!

: Congratulations on your safe return. Would that spear in your hand happen to be the Spear of Heroes? Oh, it is? Well, then hurry up and get to the beach! Thrust it into the Dragon's Nest!

: That's wonderful! I've been very worried about you. What a relief that you're safe! I mean, you were gone quite a while even after the rain had stopped. Did the elders who've gathered on the beach see that you've returned safe and sound?

: I'd never seen such a thing before. It was so beautiful. Maybe the Spirits were sending us their congratulations!
Yeah, Sue probably would consider Valhalla a paradise.

: Oh, a rainbow, huh? So let's go to the end and see!

: My cloud-clearing spells have not worked, but my spells to assist you worked marvellously. The elders are waiting very anxiously over there. You'd better go see them.

: See? The Spirits did not desert us. They sent us brave warriors who have saved our beloved Dight. Isn't that right, Gadwin?

: I guess you're right. I guess that Justin is the hero who's been chosen by the Spirits.

: And now, Dight is stronger for having survived this trial.
Her dialog actually changes here, depending on whether you heard the reason for Datt eating the bad fish earlier. If you didn't, she just says something to the effect of "Hey, my son got better. Cool beans."

: No, not at all, ma'am. He's got a lot of nerve.

: I mean pep! He's a very peppy kid!

: At home, he's always talking about this girl who's come to town from far away. Sue, I really hope you'll come visit us. It would make my son very happy.

: I am Datt, brave hero of Dight and the People of the Flying Dragon! That's me! And... huh? Is... is that the Spear of Heroes? Cool! Awesome!

: Gadwin! The rain has stopped! Thank you! How did you do it?

: I didn't do anything. Justin did it all.

: What, this young fella here?! Thank you! We are so grateful. Mr. Justin! Thank you! We are so grateful to you!

: Heh heh. OK, now I'm embarrassed. Hey, it wasn't just me, you know. We have Feena to thank, too.

: Hold on! Wait, Justin.
We all would've died against that boss without Sue tanking everything and tossing the Resurrection potions....

: Three cheers for Justin and Feena! Thank you thank you thank you! We're eternally grateful to you both.

: Don't tell anyone, but I'm kinda sad to see the rain stop. I thought it'd be fun to play with the rain.

: Hey, I know how you feel! It's a lot of fun to go play in the mud! ♪

: I wanted to try playing in the rain, but I thought I better stay inside since everyone else was so depressed.

: Oh, hello! Welcome back, Justin! You were so nice to make the rain stop, so to thank you I'll be your bride! ♥

: Yea! All right! Yippeee! My mama and papa said we can play outside now! I've been dyin' to go play by the river! Now I can do it! And....

: OK, OK, calm down. Now you can just go and play, right?
And the final one of the quadruplets in this area.

: Ah! Welcome back, everyone! How was Typhoon Tower? Bet it was real scary, huh?

: Heh heh. It was a piece of cake. For an adventurer, anyway.

: Awesome! We wanna be adventurers too when we grow up!
Jeez. We're now, what... three for four on towns where Justin has made some of the locals want to be adventurers? By the time this game is over, there'll be more people wanting to be adventurers than there were before the End of the World was discovered, won't there?

: OK, I know what. I'll just hafta start training like you do. I'll show you!

: Ha ha. But don't you think it'll take superhuman training for you to get to be like Gadwin?

: Come on, Gadwin, tell me what kind of training you do. What can I do to be more like you?

: Yeah... well, there's all kinds of things. How can I start to explain it...?

: I guess if he goes by himself into the mountains, then maybe he'd become like Gadwin, huh?

: OK. I'll go by myself into the mountains. It's not like I'll be attacked by wild beasts or anything.
I mean, who ever heard of random monsters attacking travelers in the wilderness? Crazy talk.

: If you get attacked by a beast, just fight back. It's part of the training.
In fact, it's pretty much the only part of the training. Unless you stumble on a huge pile of stat-boosters....
And behind that rock on the left, we find our final NPC for this batch.

: It's great that the rain cleared up. Our village was saved, thanks to you. I guess we're really lucky. I mean the elder said somebody needed to go to the Typhoon Tower and stop the rain. And someone went, right?

: Ha ha! Yeah, it was us!

: Huh, was it you who went to the Typhoon Tower? Well, the way that the elder explained it, that means you're the Heroes of Dight-- Gaddy-Gad and Jaja-something! I remember him saying that.
... You know, I have no words.

: And my name is JUSTIN!

: Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm just so forgetful.
Next time: The interiors! Another three conversations with literally everyone!